The first episode of Nerd Teachers’ Experimental Education series focused on Paul Robin and the Prévost Orphanage in Cempuis, discussing its history and much of the adjacent history that was taking place during its time. This episode discusses integral education, coeducation, and both laïcité and secular education. There are some lessons that we can learn from this historical experiment, including that it’s possible to make our education the way it should always have been: more interdisciplinary.
Suggested Resources
- Alice Wong with Eliza Hull and Heather Watkins (2019) – Disability Visibility, Episode 56: Parenting
- Kara Ayers (2020) – Disabled Parenting in an Ableist World
- Sterilization and Social Justice Lab
Episode Sources
- Paul Robin (1869): De l’enseignement intégral (in La Philosophie positive)
- Paul Robin (1893): Fêtes pédagogiques à l’Orphelinat Prévost
- Government of Paris (1894): Journal officiel (10 November 1894)
- Et après / L’affaire de Cempuis (17 November 1894)
- Joseph Odelin as Valsenard in La Libre Parole (1894): Encore: L’école de Cempuis, pg. 1-2 – 29 March
- In La Libre Parole (1894): Les Anarchistes: En Province, pg. 3 – 9 January
- Joseph Odelin as Valsenard in La Libre Parole (1894): Encore: L’école de Cempuis, pg. 1 – 30 March
- Joseph Odelin as Valsenard in La Libre Parole (1894): Encore: L’école de Cempuis, pg. 1 – 31 March
- Government of Paris (1895): Bulletin municipal officiel (1 June)
- Gabriel Giroud (1900): Cempuis: éducation intégrale – coéducation des sexes
- Henry Paulin (1911): La co-éducation – ses causes, ses effets, son avenir
- Angus McLaren (1981): Revolution and Education in Late Nineteenth Century France: The Early Career of Paul Robin
- Linda L. Clark (1981): The Primary Education of French Girls: Pedagogical Prescriptions and Social Realities, 1880-1940
- Angus McLaren (1983): Sexuality and Social Order: The Debate over Fertility of Women and Workers in France, 1770-1920
- Alain Drouard (1992): Aux origines de l’eugénisme en France: le néo-malthusianisme
- Christiane Demeulenaere-Douyère (2003): Un précurseur de la mixité : Paul Robin et la coéducation des sexes
- T. Jeremy Gunn (2004): Religious Freedom and Laïcité: A Comparison of the United States and France
- Michel Violet (2010): L’éducation intégrale
- FNLP (2011): Paul Robin (1837-1912) Pédagogue, franc-maçon, libre penseur, militant révolutionnaire, libertaire et néo-malthusien
- Christiane Demeulenaere-Douyère (2012): Cempuis. Un idéal d’éducation libertaire
- Federico Ferretti (2013): Géographie, éducation libertaire et établissement de l’ecole publique entre le 19e et le 20e siècle: quelques repères pour une recherche
- Christiane Demeulenaere-Douyère (2014): Éducation, subversion des genres et révolution sociale: l’éducation des garçons et des filles selon Paul Robin
- Federico Ferretti (2016): The spatiality of geography teaching and cultures of alternative education: the ‘intuitive geographies’ of the anarchist school in Cempuis (1880-1894)
- Murat Akan (2017): Diversité: Challenging or constituting laïcité?
- Pol Defosse: Paul Robin (1837-1912) : Une vie engagée
Credits (Background Music and Transitions)
All music by Ketsa and found on the Free Music Archive, including the tracks:
- Eye On Me
- Synchronised
- Psychic
- Built From Nothing
- Deliverance
- Mixed-Up
- On the Way Home
- Unarrived
- Disguises
- Wild Rivers
Transition from Mixkit (Park Playground with Kids).